It must have been 1984 when I opened the door to the gentle giant, Valmik Thaper, who had seen our book on Safari by Gunter Ziesler, and thought that I might want to see his Tiger videos. 6 hours later we emerged with an agreement to produce Tiger - Portrait of a Predator ((c) Eddison/Sadd Editions 1986 ISBN 0-00-217449-9) with photos by Gunter Ziesler & Fateh Singh Rathore. It was 20 years later that I managed to accept Valmiks invitation to visit the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve to see these magnificent animals for myself.
2004 was my first time in India and a spectacular trip of a lifetime, with John O'Connell, which I will never forget.
It was a rare priviledge to witness at close hand a beautiful fully grown female bring down a kill before calling her young cubs for dinner. Our guide had been conducting tours every day for 8 years and had never seen a successful kill - he was in tears.
My next adventure is to visit the threatened Orangutang in Indonesia
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